Any woman who is a member of the Open Bible Standard Churches of Jamaica is eligible for active Membership in the WOW Ministry. After attending three(3) consecutive meetings and agreeing with the guidelines and principles of the Ministry one can become a member. Non-members of the Open Bible Standard Churches may become an associate member by the same method.
Vision Statement
Women striving for excellence in service to God and mankind.
Proverbs 31:21-31
Theme Song
“The Alabaster Box”
Mission Statement
To promote spiritual transformation through Holistic Ministry that will enhance growth and development and engage women in Christian service
“ Let her own work praise her in her Gates”
● To establish a medium through which OBSC of Jamaica Women’s Ministry will fellowship and develop sustainable relationship for growth and empowerment
● To promote and improve communications through networking
● To promote active participation in the field of evangelism
● To create a common vision and share common goals
● To assist the local Church in various projects
● To promote missionary effort throughout Jamaica and the world
The Women of Worth is the Ministry of the Open Bible Standard Churches of Jamaica which unites women in:
● Mission, Fellowship, Prayer
● Promotes holistic development
● Enhances Christian service in the home, church, community and nation.
The Ministry seeks to motivate women to use their natural God-given talents, skills and abilities in an efficient and effective manner that brings glory to God.
The Local Church Executive is comprised of the following persons:
Vice President
Secretary Treasurer
Prayer Coordinator
Events Coordinator